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Do You Suffer from Plantar Fasciitis?


Joti Mall, (Hon) BSc. Life Sci, MSc. PT, RPT - Registered Physiotherapist

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis. For most people, the name rings a bell, either because you have it or know someone personally who suffers from it. Given today’s busy and active lifestyles, plantar fasciitis is quite common amongst people of a variety of ages.

Plantar fasciitis generally presents itself as pain in the heel of the foot, closer to the inner portion of your arch. You may find that you’re having a lot of pain first thing in the morning but after a few steps, the pain eases off. However, after extended periods of standing or walking, or at the end of a long day, your feet just seem to ache. You might also have specific areas of tenderness and be able to pinpoint where the pain is coming from.

So, what exactly is plantar fasciitis? The plantar fascia are structures in the bottom of your feet that look like webbed nets. Their main function is to provide additional support to the arches of your feet. Often, they can develop micro tears or become shortened and inflamed, which leads to pain.

So why do people develop plantar fasciitis? In most cases, you might have had a change in your routine. For example, you have increased the amount you’re walking on your commute to and from work. Or perhaps you started a new job, which requires increased standing for prolonged periods of time. Changes in your exercise regime such as switching your running terrain, the lack of a proper warm up, or increasing the intensity of your workouts can all play a role in developing plantar fasciitis. In some instances, it may also be due to the alignment of your ankle and foot itself, where some structures might be weak whilst others are overactive.

Plantar fasciitis is often avoidable and therefore, it is important to be proactive! By incorporating simple changes such as wearing supportive footwear, adding a warm-up to your workouts, stretching and icing your plantar fascia, you can reduce the likelihood of developing it.

However, if you feel that you may already be suffering from plantar fasciitis, or need some tips to avoid it, try physiotherapy! Through a variety of targeted hands on techniques, stretches, cupping, and a home exercise program tailored to you, we can help.

Call the clinic at 905.465.4595 to book your free 15 min physiotherapy consultation today.


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